Money Crimes -podcast

The Money Crimes -podcast on is a set of stories about the shadow economy. Based on real-life events, the podcast – which is just fiction – presents the risks and consequences of easy money in the shadow economy.

Before listening to an episode, you can start a general discussion in the classroom about what shadow economy means – and what undeclared work means. What does undeclared work mean? What are the risks associated with undeclared work? What does the shadow economy mean and how does it damage society and individual citizens?

Topics for class discussions

Difficulty of the topics: moderate

First, please listen to all the 3 episodes of the Money crimes podcast. Each episode is approx. 30 minutes in running time. After each episode, you can move on to a set of exercises.

When you are finished with all the 3 episodes, you can discuss the following questions in small groups or together with everyone in your class:

  • What thoughts did the episode raise?
  • Is there something you can do to help combat the shadow economy?
  • What does asking for a receipt have to do with combating the shadow economy?

When Eero transported snus as a service for a friend, it was supposed to be an easy case, handled together with his girlfriend. He was unable to think of the consequences. However, an oncoming police car put him in a cold sweat. While it was legal to buy snus for personal use, transporting more than 600 rolls of strong snus would certainly have consequences that Eero didn’t know about… and Eero would pay for these consequences for a long time to come.

Script and reader of the original Finnish episode: Juulia Raivio. The English version has been generated by artificial intelligence. 28 minutes.

You can read the text version if you prefer.

Topics for class discussions

Discuss the following questions in small groups or together:

  • Why is it problematic for you if you agree to import pouches of vape or snus tobacco to help your friend?
  • What does this mean when you are responsible for a debt “under joint-and-several liability”?
  • What is your reaction when you learned about the consequences that Eero and Niina now have?

Aino’s life was perfect. She was living a life of luxury with the money she got from making Youtube videos about video games. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency trading made it possible for her to own a seafront apartment and take luxury trips. Any idea of taxes was forgotten as quickly as it had come. Unfortunately for her, the tax auditor was also interested in her income that was in the hundreds of thousands, and soon Aino understood what tax fraud is.

Script and reader of the original Finnish episode: Juulia Raivio. The English version has been generated by artificial intelligence. 26 minutes.

You can read the text version if you prefer.

Topics for class discussions

Discuss the following questions in small groups or together:

  • Aino “forgot” about her exact income amounts when she answered the tax auditor’s request for information. Why did she leave out some of her income?
  • Why did undeclared income from social media and cryptocurrencies become the reason for many problems?
  • What is your reaction when you learned about the consequences that Aino must face?

Twenty-year-old Max was in huge debt. This was also known to Tommy who offered Max an opportunity to make easy money. Max trusted his friend and took the opportunity. A foolproof plan led to the opening of a bank account and then money began to change owners. Soon the police came knocking on the door and took Max for a questioning, suspecting him of a serious crime. What had happened? How had Max become a pawn for organised crime?

Script and reader of the original Finnish episode: Juulia Raivio. The English version has been generated by artificial intelligence. 32 minutes.

You can read the text version if you prefer.

Topics for class discussions
Discuss the following questions in small groups or together:

  • What was the reason for problems when personal e-bank security codes were given to someone else?
  • Roope decided to only explain one part of the truth when the police asked him questions. What held him back?
  • What is your reaction when you learned about the consequences that Roope must face?