Accessibility statement
Accessibility statement
The Finnish Tax Administration seeks to ensure the accessibility of its websites and e-services in accordance with the Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019).
This accessibility statement concerns the website and was prepared on 2 February 2024.
Compliance status
The service has been improved, and a new version was released in December 2023.
The website complies with the statutory requirements in part. Non-compliance and exceptions are specified below.
Applicable legislation does not cover the content
The following content and/or functions are not accessible because they are not covered by the applicable legislation.
- The website contains links to social media channels managed by the Tax Administration (Facebook, X (former Twitter), Instagram, LinkedIn) that have video content released before 23 September 2020. This video content does not have subtitles or offer interpretation by description. According to law, video content released before 23 September 2020 does not need to be retroactively made accessible or removed.
Feedback and contact information
Did you notice any accessibility issues? Please let us know! You can contact us by filling out this web form (available in Finnish and Swedish, link to Finnish).
The Tax Administration’s Communications Unit is responsible for the accessibility of the website and the processing of feedback.
Implementation procedure
If you notice any accessibility issues on the website, first give feedback to the administrator. Within the limits of law and the transitional period, the Tax Administration makes every effort to respond to all feedback within two weeks.
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you can submit a complaint to Traficom. For instructions on how to file a complaint and information on how the matter will be processed, go to
Contact information for the supervising authority
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